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By Robert A. Charvat

ISBN-10: 0471139068

ISBN-13: 9780471139065

This newest variation of Coloring of Plastics: basics deals an up to date advent to paint as a technology whereas additionally delivering the root for plenty of extra technological matters. the fundamental households of colorants are defined, besides their homes. the cloth examines how statistical research can increase the consistency of coloured polymer construction runs in addition to the colorants used to check the colour.

different very important subject matters coated in Coloring of Plastics: basics , moment version include:

  • Environmental matters and the reuse of discarded material
  • Potential issues of the interplay among colorants and different additives
  • Measurement info and matching, visually and instrumentally
  • Techniques for incorporating colorants into polymers as compounds or concentrates
  • Special influence colorants

Polymer and colorant brands, plastics compounders, and coating and artificial fiber industries will gather an greater appreciation of the advanced technological concerns a colorist needs to examine if a plastics coloring venture is to be successful.

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Edited by Robert A. Charvat ISBN 0-471-13906-8 Copyright 0 2004 by John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 23 24 Colorimetry, Color Specifications, and Production Tolerances struction engineers of antiquity, who discovered that hand-hewn rock moves far easier on wooden rollers than being dragged along the road, it is hoped that you, the reader, will discover a few new tools or tricks to make your projects run a lot smoother and faster. 2. COLORIMETRY Colorimetry is the quantification of color. It is based on the principles of optical metrology-the science of the measurement of light.

Similar effects occur if you have the same object and light source and change observers. This is attributed to the fact the different observers can have different spectral response curves, that is, see the visible spectrum differently. Finally, there is the situation where two objects interact with light differently; that is, they have different spectral reflectance or transmission results. When this occurs, the best situation one could hope for is a mismatch. The worst outcome is called metamerism!

0. But the requirements of automotive interior plastics or computer cabinet panels are much more critical than those of toys or single-use pro- Colorimetry, Color Specifications, and Production Tolerances 42 b’ b’ 53 50 50 49 49 48 48 a* 47 4 6 5 8 7 9 C’ = 35, L’ = 50, h* = 135” a+ 47 32 10 33 34 35 36 37 38 - CMC (2:l) . I . , , . b* CIE94 (2: 1:l) c 53 52 - 51 .... 7. (continued) motional items. 0 for typical items. 0. After observing the rapid acceptance of the CMC equation, the CIE set up a technical committee to look at whether it should issue a recommendation for the CMC equation or derive a new equation.

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Coloring of Plastics by Robert A. Charvat

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