By Fred Duval, Didier Cassegrain
ISBN-10: 2756011266
ISBN-13: 9782756011264
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Why doesn't the parent company—Torrence and Son, isn't it—send out a trouble-shooter to put a bomb under the two of them, I wonder? ' `Yes, well, they're only in Import now. With Wilmot T. they still have an interest in Louvet, but after sugar failed here years ago, they sold out and went back to England to import sugar and rum, though bananas must now be their biggest deal. A sizeable slice of the land they used to own is now part of Marquise—the best slice, one hears, to the green in the eye of friend Wilmot Torrence!
He got into his car, turned it, but at the sound of another car coming down the steep slope where two couldn't meet abreast, he halted and waited until the other—a slightly battered estate car—lurched into view and was pulled inexpertly to a jolting stop by a driver who could only be Donna's uncle, a lean, narrow-shouldered figure, wearing spectacles and a flop-brimmed panama hat. He would have known her as a baby, but they had never met since, and in the snapshots she had seen of him he had never appeared younger than he did now, nor had he ever been photographed in any but just such an ancient hat.
They looked at each other in silence. Of him she noted how narrow-chested he was, how bony and old—though he could only be about fifty-five—were his hands; how parchment-tanned he was, how his brows beetled over his short-sighted eyes, and how vague was his scrutiny of her. She doubted whether, put to the test even a minute or two hence, he could come anywhere near to describ- ing her as she would assess herself. —she wasn't sure. Eyes, grey-green—she would have preferred them green, but except in certain lights, had to settle for grey; one dimple, and a nose which flattery would call retrousse or tip-tilted, but which honesty knew was merely upturned or even snub.
Code McCallum, Tome 3 : Exil by Fred Duval, Didier Cassegrain
by Mark