By E. Dow Whitney (Editor)
ISBN-10: 0815513550
ISBN-13: 9780815513551
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Am. Cer. , a:372 (1965). 8. Processing of Crystalline Ceramics, Materials Science Research, Vol. ) Plenum Press, NY (1978). 9. S. ) Brook Hill, MA (1974). 10. C. J. T. Pascoe, “Ceramic Steel,” Nature (London), 258:703 (1975). 11. G. H. Heuer, “Transformation Toughening in Ceramics: Martensitic Transformations in Crack Tip Stress Fields,” J. Am. Cer. , a:241 (1981). 12. N. Claussen, “Fracture Toughness of Al,O, With an Unstabilized ZrO, Dispersed Phase, ” J. Am. Cer. , s:49 (1976). 13. A. H. L. R.
When this occurs there is sufficient stored energy in the system to cause the sharp crack to immediately propagate clear across the surface. 22 Ceramic Cutting Tools The condition of slow subcritical crack growth appears to be absent in cutting tools in actual practice. A more meaningful measure of resistance to fracture of brittle tool materials appears to be transverse tensile stress performed on carefully prepared representative surfaces tested in four-point bending. Brittle materials tend to fail when the stress in the material reaches a critical value in tension.
Cer. , a:372 (1965). 8. Processing of Crystalline Ceramics, Materials Science Research, Vol. ) Plenum Press, NY (1978). 9. S. ) Brook Hill, MA (1974). 10. C. J. T. Pascoe, “Ceramic Steel,” Nature (London), 258:703 (1975). 11. G. H. Heuer, “Transformation Toughening in Ceramics: Martensitic Transformations in Crack Tip Stress Fields,” J. Am. Cer. , a:241 (1981). 12. N. Claussen, “Fracture Toughness of Al,O, With an Unstabilized ZrO, Dispersed Phase, ” J. Am. Cer. , s:49 (1976). 13. A. H. L. R. ), John Wiley & Sons, New York, pp.
Ceramic Cutting Tools by E. Dow Whitney (Editor)
by Michael