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F. A. Hayek, Lawrence H. White's Capital and Interest PDF

By F. A. Hayek, Lawrence H. White

ISBN-10: 022627487X

ISBN-13: 9780226274874

Produced during the first fifteen years of Hayek’s occupation, the writings accrued in Capital and Interest see Hayek complex upon and expand his landmark lectures that have been released as Prices and Production and paintings towards the technically subtle line of suggestion obvious in his later Pure thought of Capital. Illuminating the improvement of Hayek’s particular contributions to capital and curiosity thought, the gathering additionally sheds mild on how Hayek’s paintings regarding different influential economists of the time. Highlights comprise the 1936 article “The Mythology of Capital”—presented right here along Frank Knight’s criticisms of the Austrian thought of capital that brought on it—and “The upkeep of Capital,” with next reviews by means of the English economist A. C. Pigou. those and different standard works are observed by way of lesser-known articles and lectures, together with a lecture on technological growth and extra capability. An creation by means of the book’s editor, best Hayek pupil Lawrence H. White, locations Hayek’s contributions in cautious historic context, with abundant footnotes and citations for additional interpreting, making this a touchstone addition to the collage of Chicago Press’s gathered Works of F. A. Hayek series.

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124, series III, no. 69, 1926, pp. 1– 18; translated by Grete Heinz as “Some Remarks on the Problem of Imputation,” in Hayek, Money, Capital & Fluctuations, pp. ] 2 [ Note that Hayek here distinguishes “utility” from subjective value. “Utility” means “use” and not a subjective value-ranking indicator as became common in later Anglophone economics. On the confusion caused by the common translation of Grenzwert (marginal value) as “marginal utility,” see J. Huston McCulloch, “The Austrian Theory of the Marginal Use and of Ordinal Marginal Utility,” Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie, vol.

1. Hayek then reworked the dissertation into the present article: “Bemerkungen zum Zurechnungsproblem,” Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, vol. 124, series III, no. 69, 1926, pp. 1– 18; translated by Grete Heinz as “Some Remarks on the Problem of Imputation,” in Hayek, Money, Capital & Fluctuations, pp. ] 2 [ Note that Hayek here distinguishes “utility” from subjective value. “Utility” means “use” and not a subjective value-ranking indicator as became common in later Anglophone economics.

3– 4, December 1977, pp. 249– 80; and Jack High and Howard Bloch, “On the History of Ordinal Utility Theory: 1900– 1932,” History of Political Economy, vol. 21, no. 2, Summer 1989, pp. ] capital and interest to be explained by utility. This raises a highly important issue, since the underlying relationship between value and utility is not limited to those cases where needs require several consumer goods for their satisfaction but includes those in which needs are met by a product and thus indirectly require a multiplicity of ( producer) goods for their satisfaction.

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Capital and Interest by F. A. Hayek, Lawrence H. White

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