By Edward G. Effros (auth.), Huzihiro Araki, Richard V. Kadison (eds.)
ISBN-10: 3540087621
ISBN-13: 9783540087625
ISBN-10: 3540358501
ISBN-13: 9783540358503
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Extra info for C*-Algebras and Applications to Physics: Proceedings, Second Japan-USA Seminar, Los Angeles, April 18–22, 1977
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Hurray and J. von Neumann, On rings of operators, Ann. , 37 (1936), 116-229. 33. Y. Nakagami, Essential spectrum of a dual action on a von Neumann algebra, Preprint (1976). 34. H. Nakamura and T. Turumaru, Expectations in an operator algebra, Tohoku Math. , 6(1954), 182-188. 35. M. Nakamura and Z. Takeda, On some elementary properties of the crossed products of von Neumann algebras, Proc. , 34(1958}, 489-494. 36. and , A Galois theory for finite factors, Proc. Japan --Acad. ,36(1960), 258-260. 37.
The matrix ordered spaces N~n would thus seem to be matrioial analogues of certain fion-simplicial polyhedra. Some information is known about them. They are completely order isomorphic to operator systems tl2,~4J. 21. and in particular, cannot be matricially isomorphic to Ft, N2 • This is in sharp eontrast to order isomorphic to which is order F4, and thus can be realized as a function on a four point set. Hore surprisinl 25(1973), 291-305. 24. , Crossed products of von Neumann algebras by compact groups, -----Tohoku Math. , 28(1976), 511-522. 25. Y. Haga and Z. Takeda, Correspondence between subgroups and subalgebras in a cross product von Neumann algebra, TOhoku Math. , 24(1972), 167-190. 26. H. Henle, Galois theory of W*-a1gebras, Preprint. 27. R. R. Kallman, A generalization of free action, Duke Math. , 36(1969}, 781-789. 28. W. Krieger, On constructing non-*isomorphic hyperfinite factors of type III, J. Functional Analysis, 6(1970), 97-109. C*-Algebras and Applications to Physics: Proceedings, Second Japan-USA Seminar, Los Angeles, April 18–22, 1977 by Edward G. Effros (auth.), Huzihiro Araki, Richard V. Kadison (eds.)
by Michael