By William A. Johnson
ISBN-10: 0802037348
ISBN-13: 9780802037343
Mendacity now lower than the sand three hundred kilometres south of the coastal city of Alexandria, town of Oxyrhynchus rose to prominence less than Egypt's Hellenistic and Roman rulers. The 1895 British-led excavation printed little within the manner of constructions and different cultural artefacts, yet in its place yielded a big random mass of daily papyri, piled thirty toes deep, together with deepest letters and purchasing lists, executive circulars, and copies of historic literature.The surviving bookrolls - the papyrus rolls with literary texts - have supplied loads of info on old books, historic readers, and historic analyzing. analyzing in simple terms these texts that live on in complete shape in medieval manuscripts, William Johnson has analysed over four hundred bookrolls to appreciate the construction, use, and aesthetics of the traditional e-book. His shut research of formal and standard gains of the bookrolls not just presents certain details at the bookroll - manufacture, layout, and layout - but additionally, in flip, indicates a few fascinating questions and provisional solutions in regards to the ways that the use and serve as of the bookroll between old readers may well fluctuate from sleek or medieval perform. Meticulously erudite, this paintings could be of serious value to all papyrologists, classicists, and literary students.
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Example text
2, and (not noticed by the editor, but apparent in the plate) PSIXVII Congr. 6. ) Here at least it is unlikely that the scribe is taking over the punctuation from his antigraph. Other points of scribal convention are less clear. While the trema is generally added by the scribe, the apparent inconsistency in 2466 relies on only three opportunities. Similarly, iotaadscript appears consistently added in 3882+PS/XI 1195,but there are only three examples; the adding or not of adscript is decidedly inconsistent elsewhere.
AD. The attribution of 767 to this scribe, though possible, is doubtful. Too little remains to be certain, but several small variations in letter forms (as the top of 8, the right arm of 3, the top of $, and the central vertical of 4) argue against it. On the other hand, style and use of serifs is very similar. All three papyri, moreover, exhibit closely similar leading and letter height, and all are written on papyrus of like quality: a fairly good front surface, with a back surface that is much inferior.
4 + [24 . 9 cm). A Survey of Scribes with Multiple Surviving Rolls 41 of later additions to the punctuation (dots appearing above the line without accompanying space have ink of different appearance in 1787, and possibly also in 2442). Accents and breathings are liberally applied, and while most are written by the copyist, some are clearly the work of a different pen (in the case of 2442, perhaps by two different pens). 2442 is heavily annotated by at least two, and possibly three, hands (I do not share Lobel's confidence that one of these matches the copyist), a characteristic not shared by 1787.
Bookrolls and Scribes in Oxyrhynchus by William A. Johnson
by Daniel