By Lorna Barrett
ISBN-10: 0425231194
ISBN-13: 9780425231197
ISBN-10: 1101148268
ISBN-13: 9781101148266
ISBN-10: 1101149094
ISBN-13: 9781101149096
ISBN-10: 7770906490
ISBN-13: 9787770906497
Book place proprietor Tricia Miles has positioned up—and publish with—her uninvited university roommate for weeks. In go back, Pammy has stolen $100. however the day she's kicked out, Pammy's came upon lifeless in a Dumpster, leaving a great deal of questions unanswered.
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Why had she read so many Kay Scarpetta mysteries? The knowledge she’d picked up about autopsies made for an interesting read—if not applied to someone you’d actually known. ” Baker asked. “No way—the thing’s about four foot tall. She was on her back. ” Tricia’s thoughts, exactly. ” Baker turned to question Angelica. ” Angelica sighed theatrically. “Yes. Angelica Miles. Soon to be published, I might add. ” It was Tricia’s turn to roll her eyes. Much more information than anyone needed to know. She leaned against the counter stool and listened as Captain Baker took Angelica through the same set of questions.
She asked. Tricia frowned. ” Pammy stepped over what had once been a carved pumpkin. Now it lay shattered on the sidewalk just beyond the welcome mat outside the shop’s door. ” “No, carving a pumpkin is fun, and that’s something I’ll bet you haven’t had in a long, long time,” Pammy said, stepping over the orange mess. She continued north down the street, without another word or a backward glance. Tricia studied the shattered pumpkin; its crushed, lop-sided, toothy grin looked menacing. She closed the door and went in search of a broom and a trash bag.
Baker turned away. ” The deputy stepped forward. “Grab Henderson and scout out the municipal lot down the street. See if you can find a car with Connecticut plates. Ask around. ” Rivera waved to Baker from the back entrance. ” He left them and rejoined the technician. Angelica watched him go.
Bookplate Special by Lorna Barrett
by Edward