By Jean Comaroff
ISBN-10: 0226114228
ISBN-13: 9780226114224
During this subtle research of strength and resistance, Jean Comaroff analyzes the altering quandary of the Barolong boo Ratshidi, a humans at the margins of the South African nation. Like others at the fringes of the fashionable global process, the Tshidi fight to build a potential order of indicators and practices wherein they act upon the forces that engulf them. Their dissenting church buildings of Zion have supplied a good medium for reconstructing a feeling of heritage and id, person who protests the phrases of colonial and post-colonial society and tradition.
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It is hardly surprising that the Christian advocacy of ritual and moral equality should have appealed to those who suffered inequality in the indigenous context. There is, in fact, some evidence that, at the time, women as a category were conscious of the political benefits of the Christian creed. 13 Yet, as I shall suggest, the rise of Protestantism here is not reducible to a social cost-benefit analysis. What is at issue, rather, is the more basic question of the historical relationship ofideology, practice, and systemic context.
It is hardly surprising that the Christian advocacy of ritual and moral equality should have appealed to those who suffered inequality in the indigenous context. There is, in fact, some evidence that, at the time, women as a category were conscious of the political benefits of the Christian creed. 13 Yet, as I shall suggest, the rise of Protestantism here is not reducible to a social cost-benefit analysis. What is at issue, rather, is the more basic question of the historical relationship ofideology, practice, and systemic context.
The history of this region is the subject ofa study by J. L. ) For the majority of Tshidi living within South Africa, however, the recovery of agricultural and pastoral production was newer more than partial. Moreover, the completion of the railway gradually removed all but a very limited local demand for their grain, cattle, and labor. The white settlement of Mafeking did become the capital of the Bechuanaland Protectorate, even though it lay beyond its borders, but this provided employment and markets which increasingly benefited white bureaucrats and farmers at the expense of the Tshidi.
Body of Power, Spirit of Resistance: The Culture and History of a South African People by Jean Comaroff
by David