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Biological nitrogen fixation in forest ecosystems: - download pdf or read online

By John C. Gordon (auth.), J. C. Gordon, C. T. Wheeler (eds.)

ISBN-10: 9400968787

ISBN-13: 9789400968783

ISBN-10: 9400968809

ISBN-13: 9789400968806

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Sample text

15. 16. 17. 18. 19. l'iology, Baltimore, The Williams and Wilkins Camp. 1974. Stanier RY, Sistrom WR, Hansen TA, Whitton HA, Castenholz RW, Pfennig N, Gorlenko VN, Kondratieva EN, Eimhjellen KE, Whittcnbury R, Gherna RL, Truper HG: Proposal to place the nomenclature of the cyanobacteria (Blue-green Algae) under the rules of the international code of nomenclature of bacteria. Intern J System BacterioI28(2}: 335-336, 1978. fB, Herdman M, Stanier RY: Generic assignments, strain histoies and properties of pure cultures of cyanobacteria.

The fixed nitrogen is excreted into the host cytoplasm (95) and assimilated into amino acids (96) and transported to the shoots and leaves. The shape of the nodules and the form of the bacteroids is not only characteristic of certain strains of rhizobia (98) but also is determined by the host (99, 100, 101). ). However, these strains formed the regular type of branched bacteroids on cowpea ( Vigna sinensis). Spherical bacteroid forms of bacteroids also have been reported in a number of fast-growing strains in nodules from peas (99) and red clover (102).

So far, nitrogen fixation has not been detected in the proteolytic and pathogenic clostridia. Actinomycetes and related organisms This taxon includes various types of filamentous and pleomorphic bacteria. Nitrogen-fixing micro-organisms are found within a number of Mycobacterium and Frankia species. Mycobacterium spp. are gram variable, non-motile, coryneform organism with snapping division. flavum 301, was isolated by Fedorov and Kalininskaya (36). More recently a number of strains related to this organism have been isolated (37, 38).

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Biological nitrogen fixation in forest ecosystems: foundations and applications by John C. Gordon (auth.), J. C. Gordon, C. T. Wheeler (eds.)

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