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Download e-book for kindle: Bergson, Politics, and Religion by Alexandre Lefebvre

By Alexandre Lefebvre

ISBN-10: 0822352753

ISBN-13: 9780822352754

Henri Bergson is basically identified for his paintings on time, reminiscence, and creativity. His both cutting edge interventions into politics and faith have, even though, been ignored or brushed aside beforehand. within the first booklet in English devoted to Bergson as a political philosopher, major Bergson students remove darkness from his positions on center matters inside of political philosophy: the importance of emotion in ethical judgment, the connection among biology and society, and the entanglement of politics and faith. Ranging throughout Bergson's writings yet drawing in most cases on his final booklet, The resources of Morality and Religion, the participants ponder Bergson's relevance to modern discussions of human rights, democratic pluralism, and environmental ethics.

Contributors. Keith Ansell-Pearson, G. William Barnard, Claire Colebrook, Hisashi Fujita, Suzanne Guerlac, Vladimir Jankélévitch, Frédéric Keck, Leonard Lawlor, Alexandre Lefebvre, Paola Marrati, John Mullarkey, Paulina Ochoa Espejo, Carl energy, Philippe Soulez, Jim Urpeth, Melanie White, Frédéric Worms

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First, Barnard carefully reconstructs the spiritualist currents in Bergson’s writings which, though central and vital to his thought, are underrepresented in scholarship today. Second, Barnard proposes a bold rereading of Matter and Memory toward a tentative explanation of extraordinary religious phenomena. In particular he uses Bergson’s ‘‘filter’’ theory of perception, along with what he calls the ‘‘radio reception theory of consciousness,’’ to envisage the etiology of a wide range of non-ordinary experiences such as telepathy, clairvoyance, mediumship, possession states, mystical states, and so on.

The ends justify the means; all that matters is the victory of us against them. ‘‘Between the nation, however great it might be, and humanity’’ Bergson concludes, ‘‘there exists the distance that separates the finite from the indefinite [le fini de l’indéfini], the closed from the open’’ (ts 32/1001). Bergson is not just saying that we have a long way to go before achieving a peaceful world. , in degree of inclusiveness, of civilized culture, or of approximation to the ethical ideal) but in kind. What this means is that there is no continuous passage from one to the other and hence no rational access to the latter.

Contrary to this picture, Marrati argues that James and Bergson’s affirmation of the openness of time undercuts not only the foundation of finalism but with it any psychological correlate of optimism or pessimism for the future. Marrati is especially concerned with countering the impression of James and Bergson as ontological optimists. There is, in their philosophy, nothing to sustain a belief in the necessity of progress (nor, of course, a belief in the necessity of regress). ’’ It leaves us only with an affirmation of openness and a place for responsibility and hope.

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Bergson, Politics, and Religion by Alexandre Lefebvre

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