By Dina iG. Levy
ISBN-10: 0833035576
ISBN-13: 9780833035578
Appears at how division of safeguard schooling, education and improvement associations are suffering from the consolidated of DoD amenities and alterations in governance constitution.
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A great deal of planning went into the selection of Fort Jackson as DoDPI’s new site. DoDPI leaders wanted the Institute to be located on a facility with access to an airport and a major postsecondary education institution. However, the most important factor for DoDPI in its choice of Fort Jackson was troop support for its student laboratory exercises. Fort Jackson hosts approximately 50,000 new recruits in basic training per year, so it offers DoDPI a large pool from which to draw, at no cost to the Institute.
Faculty and Staff There was a reduction in total staff from 425 to 353 after the consolidation. The percentage of faculty relocations was smaller from Fort Benjamin Harrison than from the other two schools. Most civilian faculty from the three former locations did not move to Fort Meade. Many who did come to Fort Meade stayed for a few years and then 20 BRAC and Organizational Restructuring in the DoD retired and went home. Now, one-third of the service faculty rotates each year. A representative from DINFOS believes the school now has higher quality instructors as a joint service school, due to its ability to draw candidates from a combined pool of applicants from the three services.
2. 2 Key Events in the Relocation of the Department of Defense Polygraph Institute 1991 1993 1995 January 1998 January 1999 February 1999 April 1999 July 1999 August 1999 a Fort McClellan is considered for closure as part of BRAC. Fort McClellan is again considered for closure. Fort McClellan is slated for closure. a DoDPI is again scheduled to move, but the move is delayed again. The research team moves to Fort Jackson. The last class is held at Fort McClellan. The new facility is completed, and all personnel are moved to Fort Jackson.
Base Realignment and Closure by Dina iG. Levy
by Kevin