By Bechert, Gerthser
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Among the latter, excimer, He-Cd, ion, copper vapor, dye, He-Ne, ruby, color center, carbon dioxide, far infrared gas, have reached a high degree of maturity, and they are considered a standard commodity in both industry and research. Laser Sources for High Resolution Sensing 21 A discussion apart deserve free electron (FEL) and x-ray lasers, which lately underwent processes of improvements both in theory and experiment, and there is a well founded expectation for betters sources. FELs offer several opportunities for applications in material science and biology but require longer times to be realized, while the situation is much more pregnant for x-ray lasers.
For the NaCl solutions the relationship between concentration and the refractive index increment is well documented. By using these tables, the δn arrived at from salt shift measurements enabled us to back out the salt concentration. Concentrations measured in this way were found to be within 3% of the injected concentrations. The challenge is to use this approach to determine the thickness and δn of a dilute soft condensed layer of intermediate thickness. 2), and takes on an extreme positive charge in water.
C Kimerling, and S. T. 25 73(2000). 19. L. Tong, J. Lou, R. R. Gattass, S. He, X. Chen, L. Liu, and E. 5, 259262(2005). 20. F. Mikes, Y. Yang, I. Teraoka, T. Ishigure, Y. Koike, and Y. Okamoto,”Synthesis and Characterization of an Amorphous Perfluropolymer: Poly(perfluoro-2methylene-4-methyl-1,3-dioxolane”, Macromolecules 38, 4237-4245(2005). 21. O. Gaathon, W. Jeck, I. Teraoka, and S. Arnold (in progress). it, Abstract The first laser has been invented in 1960, and since then the laser field exploded almost exponentially, covering a spectral range from less than 1 Å to more than 1 mm.
Atomphysik by Bechert, Gerthser
by Ronald