By Angelika Caputo
ISBN-10: 3540231420
ISBN-13: 9783540231424
Dieses Arbeitsbuch erg?nzt perfekt das Lehrbuch Fahrmeir/K?nstler/Pigeot/Tutz: Statistik - Der Weg zur Datenanalyse. Es enth?lt die L?sungen zu den dort gestellten Aufgaben. Dar?ber hinaus bietet es eine Reihe weiterer Aufgaben inklusive L?sungen und Computer?bungen mit realen Daten. Es dient damit der Vertiefung und der Ein?bung des im Lehrbuch vermittelten Stoffes zur Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, deskriptiven und induktiven Statistik. Die vierte Auflage ist an das Eurozeitalter angepa?t und enth?lt viele Verbesserungen.
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As one study (Benveniste and McEwan 2000: 42) notes, Multigrade teaching may require more work than single-grade instruction. Demands on teacher resources, both cognitive and emotional, are greater. Curriculum design and organization require attentive preparation and greater coordination. This is particularly the case if teachers do not have access to specialized materials, such as self-instructional textbooks, to support their preparation. Motivating students and maintaining their concentration is harder.
Motivating students and maintaining their concentration is harder. Teachers are responsible for more subjects and cannot repeat lessons from year to year. Quality of Multigrade Teaching. Widely used in developed countries, multigrade teaching appears to offer similar quality to conventional “monograde” configurations. Some have even argued that it may have advantages over monograde teaching, as it allows for interactions with children of different ages (Sigsworth and Solstad 2001). However, it is not perceived to be a desirable alternative to single-grade teaching in most developing countries (Benveniste and McEwan 2000: 40).
5 hours per week, depending on the age of the class. In Mozambique, teachers work a standard 25 hours per week, teaching only one shift. In multishift schools, a teacher may teach two shifts and get 60 percent of the normal pay for the second shift. In Tanzania, the primary school teacher teaches between 20 and 30 hours per week in a normal, single-stream school. Where the number of teachers ranges only from two to five per school, the teaching hours rise to more than 30 hours per week per teacher.
Arbeitsbuch Statistik by Angelika Caputo
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