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Applied Scanning Probe Methods II: Scanning Probe Microscopy by Bharat Bhushan, Harald Fuchs PDF

By Bharat Bhushan, Harald Fuchs

ISBN-10: 3540262423

ISBN-13: 9783540262428

Volumes II, III and IV research the actual and technical origin for contemporary growth in utilized near-field scanning probe strategies, and construct upon the 1st quantity released in early 2004. the sphere is progressing so quickly that there's a want for a moment set of volumes to seize the newest advancements. It constitutes a well timed accomplished review of SPM purposes, now that commercial functions span topographic and dynamical floor experiences of thin-film semiconductors, polymers, paper, ceramics, and magnetic and organic fabrics. quantity II introduces scanning probe microscopy, together with sensor know-how, quantity III covers the entire diversity of characterization chances utilizing SPM and quantity IV bargains chapters on makes use of in numerous business functions. The foreign standpoint provided in those 3 volumes - which belong jointly - contributes additional to the evolution of SPM options.

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Example text

The tip approaches and retracts from the surface during a single oscillation cycle. Energy dissipation causes hysteresis of the tip motion and introduces higher Fourier components [22, 26, 28]. The signal amplitudes of the higher harmonics of a periodic signal generated by a nonlinear system can therefore be used to infer the characteristics of the nonlinearity by balancing the harmonics of the system input and the output [29–32]. Furthermore, it is important to note that the microcantilever is an extended structure with a complex dynamical behavior [33–36].

This additional data corresponds to the first two Fourier coefficients of the AFM signal: the zeroth harmonic (DC component) and the amplitude and phase of the first harmonic. However, since the amplitude signal is used for feedback in order to track the surface topography, this signal is equivalent to the control error and does not contain novel information. W. Stark · M. Stark is determined by chemical [3] and mechanical surface properties [2, 5]. A precise interpretation of the phase signal remains difficult, however, since it includes contributions from the local topography [6].

Kepler University Altenbergerstr. it Peter Hinterdorfer Institute for Biophysics, J. at Rainer Kassing University of Kassel Institute for Microstructure Technologies and Analytics, IMA Technological Physics Heinrich-Plett-Str. jp Ferry Kienberger Institute for Biophysics, J. Kepler University Altenbergerstr. de Andrzej J. ch Nicole Lawrence (geb. de Ute Rabe Fraunhofer Institute for Nondestructive Testing, IZFP, Bldg. it Tilman E. ch XXXV XXXVI List of Contributors – Volume II Robert W. Stark Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and Center for NanoScience (CeNS) Dept.

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Applied Scanning Probe Methods II: Scanning Probe Microscopy Techniques (NanoScience and Technology) (v. 2) by Bharat Bhushan, Harald Fuchs

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