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3. 3(6)], findings from the assessment of aging mechanisms should be documented. 3(c)], findings from the assessment of aging mechanisms should be documented. For microprocessor-based equipment in a Category C environment, preconditioning may be omitted from the test sequence. 3, depending on the standard being applied. 3(6)] should be omitted. 3(c)]. 30 4. 6 of IEC 60780-1998, depending on the standard being applied. If the latter is the standard being applied then, in addition, a temperature margin of +15°F (8°C) should be applied in the case where qualification testing is not being performed under saturated steam conditions.
8. Procedures for qualification by analysis are essentially the same in both standards. They differ only with respect to the fact that IEEE 323-1983 allows qualification of other equipment by similarity if certain criteria are met, whereas IEC 60780 (1998) does not explicitly allow this method of qualification. 28 3 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIFICATION OF MICROPROCESSORBASED EQUIPMENT IMPORTANT TO SAFETY IN NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS Based on results of comparisons of the two qualification documents as well as the results of previous research, we suggest here a framework for qualifying microprocessor-based equipment for safety system applications.
Application of a representative mathematical model to the equipment to be qualified. Extrapolation and interpolation may be used to qualify equipment by extending the application of test data. Extrapolation or interpolation to other equipment by similarity can also be used. The equipment shall be considered qualified through demonstration that its performance meets or exceeds that required under the specified service conditions during its qualified life or that the operation limitations of periodic inspection or surveillance have been identified.
Application of Microprocessor-Based Equipment in Nuclear Powerplants
by Donald