ISBN-10: 0738149667
ISBN-13: 9780738149660
Read Online or Download ANSI IEEE C63.5 ( [Electromagnetic Compatibility-Radiated Emission Measurements in Electromagnetic Interference -EMI- Control-Calibration of Antenas. 9 kHz to 40 GHz] [EMC] [73pages] PDF
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Extra info for ANSI IEEE C63.5 ( [Electromagnetic Compatibility-Radiated Emission Measurements in Electromagnetic Interference -EMI- Control-Calibration of Antenas. 9 kHz to 40 GHz] [EMC] [73pages]
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This effect varies as the receiving antenna is scanned from 1 m to 4 m. This effect is more significant at a 3 m separation distance than at a 10 m separation distance. 4-2003 for the NSA test are based on a theoretical antenna. This theoretical antenna is infinitely small and transmits in a perfect dipole pattern at all frequencies. A broadband antenna’s ohmic construction features and the frequencies at which it is used will affect the degree to which it approximates a dipole antenna pattern.
A wire-based moment method Numerical Electromagnetic Code (NEC 2) has been used to calculate Geometry-specific Correction Factors (GSCF) to correct for these errors. 1. 2 provides guidance on the application of these correction factors. The value of the correction factors depends on test distance, frequency, and impedance of the antenna balun. 3. 1 contains the correction factors to free space (∆AF) for a biconical dipole antenna. This table is necessary for biconical dipole antenna calibrations using the standard site method in a test setup with horizontal polarization, R=10 m, h1=2 m, and h2=1 m to 4 m.
A spacing of 5 mm to 10 mm is suggested. 1 shows an example. The T-connector used in the antenna factor measurement setup may be built into the dummy antenna box. Also, a resistor network to provide matching to the generator and the RF voltmeter (receiver) may be built into the dummy antenna box. 30 Copyright © 2006 IEEE. All rights reserved. , BNC Connector to mate with rod input port C S C: 10 pF 5 %, Silver Mica. Metal mounting frame S: Lead Spacing, 5 to 10 mm (10 mm from all surfaces if enclosed in box).
ANSI IEEE C63.5 ( [Electromagnetic Compatibility-Radiated Emission Measurements in Electromagnetic Interference -EMI- Control-Calibration of Antenas. 9 kHz to 40 GHz] [EMC] [73pages]
by Jason