By Bernd Lohmann
ISBN-10: 3540746293
ISBN-13: 9783540746294
Perspective and spin resolved Auger emission physics bargains with the theoretical and numerical description, research and interpretation of such sorts of experiments on unfastened atoms and molecules. This monograph derives the final concept using the density matrix formalism and, when it comes to irreducible tensorial units, so known as kingdom multipoles and order parameters, for parameterizing the atomic and molecular platforms, respectively. it's the first ebook on attitude and spin-resolved Auger emission.
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The laboratory frame is denoted by XY Z, the Z-axis is parallel to the incident beam direction. The reaction plane is spanned by the axis of the incoming projectiles and the direction of the observed Auger electrons. With respect to this axis we define a second coordinate system, the helicity system of the observed Auger electrons, denoted by xyz. The z-axis is parallel to the momentum of the Auger electrons and the y-axis is perpendicular to the reaction plane. For the following, we will choose the X-axis to be in the reaction plane and let the Y -axis coincide with y-axis of the helicity frame.
85) . g. the rare gases. 86) which eventually results in J0 =0 Bscat (K √ (2k + 1)(2K + 1) kq) = ΔE 4π|p0 |2 j j i 0 0− 0 e i(σ 0 −σ 0 ) 0 0 0 j0 j0 jb × (−1)J +j +j0 + 0 +q × (Jj )j0 V (0j0 )j0 (Jj )j0 V (0j0 )j0 × (2b + 1) (2 × 0 0 b 0 0 0 0 + 1)(2 0 + 1)(2j0 + 1)(2j0 + 1) J J K j0 j 0 j b k K 0 −q q ⎫ b ⎬ 1/2 1/2 k . 87) ⎭ ⎩ j0 j0 K ⎧ ⎨ 0 0 For this particular case the normalization parameter reduces to J =0 0 Bscat (000) = 1 ΔE √ 2 4π|p0 | 2(2J + 1) (Jj )j0 V (0j0 )j0 2 . 3 Primary Ionization–Excitation 35 where es− and ee− denote the inelastically scattered and the emitted electron, respectively.
Analogously, the intermediate ionic state is described as J M and the emitted photoelectron as p(−) ms where p is the electronic momentum and ms its magnetic spin quantum number. The upper index (−) on p indicates that we are dealing with scattering solutions with incoming boundary conditions. 39) where the asterisk denotes the complex conjugate matrix element. The matrix elements of the irreducible tensors may be expressed in terms of 3j -symbols √ (2K + 1)(2Γ + 1) (−1)J −M+1−λ Bphot (K Q , Γ γ ) = dp 2J0 + 1 MM ms λλ M0 × J Mp(−) ms |Ti |J0 M0 ωnλ × J M p(−) ms |Ti+ |J0 M0 ωnλ × 1 1 Γ λ −λ −γ ∗ J J K M −M −Q .
Angle and Spin Resolved Auger Emission: Theory and Applications to Atoms and Molecules (Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics) by Bernd Lohmann
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