By A. Hughes, S. H. Hasan, G. W. Oertel, H. E. Voss, F. Bahner, F. Neumann, H. Steinbeck, K.-J. Gräf, J. Brotherton, H. J. Horn, R. K. Wagner
ISBN-10: 364280859X
ISBN-13: 9783642808593
ISBN-10: 3642808611
ISBN-13: 9783642808616
Booklet through Hartmann, Klaus
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Additional info for Androgens II and Antiandrogens / Androgene II und Antiandrogene
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Specificity Prerequisite of a good assay in any system is that endogenous hormone should react with antibody in the same way as the standard hormone and there should be no interference from the other substances present in the blood. One safeguard is to check that there is parallellism between dose-response curves for standard and for the unknown substance. Another method of checking specificity is to add known amounts of various steroids into the solution containing labelled hormone Determination of Androgens by Competitive Protein-Binding Method 41 and the antiserum of that hormone for which the specificity has to be examined.
J. bioI. Chem. 243,346-351 (1968). : New concepts on the mode of action of hormones. Perspect. BioI. Med. 6,203-215 (1963). : Effect of male hormone on protein metabolism of castrate dogs. Proc. Soc. expo BioI. ) 32, 1564 (1935). : Intracellular regulations in the kidney by androgens. Amer. Zool. 2, 361-366 (1962). : Effect of castration and testosterone on protein biosynthesis in guinea pig tissue preparations. Acta endocr. ) Suppl. 92, EI-16 (1964). : Regulation of ribonucleic acid biosynthesis in the mouse kidney by androgens.
The tubes are then incubated for 2-3 hours at 4°e. 5% gelatine is added to all the tubes. 025% dextran suspension is added to all the tubes. The tubes are agitated on a vortex mixer and allowed to stand for 10 min at 4 ° e before centrifuging at 1500 X g for 5 min. The contents of the tubes are poured into vials containing scintillation fluid for measurement of the radioactivity. There are several methods which may be applied for separating bound and free hormone. In our experience [27] as well as that of HOTOHKISS et al.
Androgens II and Antiandrogens / Androgene II und Antiandrogene by A. Hughes, S. H. Hasan, G. W. Oertel, H. E. Voss, F. Bahner, F. Neumann, H. Steinbeck, K.-J. Gräf, J. Brotherton, H. J. Horn, R. K. Wagner
by Charles