By Norman P. Barry
ISBN-10: 0333616820
ISBN-13: 9780333616826
ISBN-10: 1349241040
ISBN-13: 9781349241040
Within the considerably revised 3rd variation of this widely-used textbook Norman Barry presents a accomplished creation to modern political idea. The booklet introduces the most subject matters and ideas in political debate in addition to the information of up to date theorists together with Rawls, Hart, Dworkin, Nozick, and Hayek. This version good points immense extra fabric at the debate among liberals and communitarians and an overview of the most beneficial properties of feminist political suggestion. Reviewers' reviews on earlier variants: '...well worthy reading...up-to-date and finished' - Michael Laver, British e-book information '...a succinct advent now not only to such glossy masters as Hayek, but in addition paintings performed in different disciplines...which has implications for political concept. It merits a large viewers' - Gillian Peele, occasions academic complement
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In this chapter we have to consider in some detail that special form of social control which we understand as legal control. Undoubtedly a legal system is a specialised system of rules, distinct from moral rules, which at the very least provides a framework in which individual behaviour can in some sense be regulated and an element of certainty guaranteed, and which at the very most may provide a comprehensive framework of regulations covering nearly all aspects of the individual's life. Just how desirable it is for the law to enter a wide area of social life is something which will be considered later, but the elementary facts of human nature seem to indicate the necessity for some rules, many of which are bound to be backed by organised sanctions.
When post-war German courts, for example, were faced with cases arising out of Nazi law, the positivist solution - of passing retrospective statutes invalidating the law - was felt not to be entirely satisfactory. Also some jurists argue that aspects of South African law until quite recently resembled arbitrary dictates rather than genuine law: they were not merely bad law. A modified version of natural law, for example, the work of Lon Fuller (1969), tries to show than an acceptable account of law necessitates the use of certain basic moral concepts, about which there can be some agreement, but that this is consistent with the recognition of value differences at other levels.
This identification of science with the inductive bias was one of the unfortunate legacies of Logical Positivism. Now liberal-rationalists 5 claim that they are 'positivists' in the sense that they eliminate values from formal social science, but emphatically reject the central tenet of the positivist epistemology which claims that the purpose of social science is to discover empirical regularities in the social world (Popper, 1957, pp. 105-19). Laws are not derived inductively but are deduced from a small number of simple propositions about human nature.
An Introduction to Modern Political Theory by Norman P. Barry
by James