By Stark O.
ISBN-10: 0521474191
ISBN-13: 9780521474191
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Note in particular that if father and son happen to experience an initial ratio to the left of A (a consensus for reallocation in favor of the father), it is immaterial who decides how to divide consumption: whether the son controls the stock of corn ± in which case he will transfer corn to the father ± or the father does ± in which case he will retain the corn. Second, although the presence of altruism narrows the domain of con¯ict (in the absence of altruism F S 0, that is, each party would like to consume the entire supply of corn leaving zero quantity to the other party) it does not eradicate it.
Note that by substituting genetic fitness for utility (see Becker [1976]), Wilson's (1975) argument that altruism reduces personal fitness may not only be vindicated but broadened: altruism may actually reduce group fitness. 5 It is useful to check how general is the result that with utility interdependence, a rise in altruism that leads to consumption transfers could make the transferring party worse off. In particular, does the result depend on the underlying speci®cation of the utility functions?
London: George Allen and Unwin. Wilson, Edward O. (1975) Sociobiology: The New Synthesis. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 1 Even though associations do not reveal causality, in this case one explanation of the association is as transparent as the association itself: countries that master means and resources to provide more and higher-quality health and health related services end up having longer-lived residents. The possibility that causality runs in exactly the opposite direction, that is, that longer life expectancy translates into higher per capita income, is less well recognized.
Altruism and beyond by Stark O.
by Jeff