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Download e-book for iPad: Alliances for Advancing Academic Women: Guidelines for by Penny J. Gilmer

By Penny J. Gilmer

ISBN-10: 946209604X

ISBN-13: 9789462096042

This precise ebook offers very important directions and examples of the way STEM (e.g., technology, expertise, engineering, and arithmetic) school and management can collaborate in the direction of ambitions of recruiting, mentoring, and selling management to educational ladies school. in response to the reviews of school throughout 5 Florida universities, together with one nationwide laboratory, every one bankruptcy highlights one point of a multi-institutional collaboration on an NSF ADVANCE-PAID supply devoted to reaching those 3 targets. Highlighting the significance of coordination, integration, and adaptability, every one bankruptcy information thoughts and demanding situations of creating a multi-site collaboration, assessing weather in STEM departments, addressing differential institutional readiness and infrastructure, and imposing switch. The authors recommend how one can construct on intrainstitutional strengths via interinstitutional actions, together with shared workshops, study, and fabrics. Separate chapters concentrate on recruiting girls into STEM departments, mentoring girls school, and delivering management possibilities to ladies. A theoretical bankruptcy comprises Cultural old job thought as a lens for interpreting the alliances' actions and evaluate information. different chapters current study on ladies STEM college, contributing insights approximately STEM women's experience of isolation. Chapters contain a reflective metalogue written by way of a social scientist. The ebook closes with classes realized from this collaboration.

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We included faculty in all the sciences and engineering in our program of activities, when possible. We were pleased to note that some eligible women faculty became promoted and some undertook leadership positions in research or in the academy following COACh and mentoring activities. We prepared assistant professor protégés to transition into the promotion and tenure processes, and we worked with associate and full professors for advancement and into academic leadership roles at their respective universities and in their science and engineering 16 DECIDING TO COLLABORATE AND SELECTING OUR STEM PROJECT disciplines.

USF Academic Careers & Motherhood: A Negotiable Road (Nov 2011) Kelly Ward 4. USF Mentoring and Networking Women STEM Faculty (Feb 2012) Donna Dean 5. USF Speed Mentoring (Apr 2012) 6. USF Academic Women Leadership Discussion Panel (Oct 2012) Lead Lead Garnett Stokes (FSU); Jacqueline Dixon, Karen Holbrook, & Karen Liller (USF) Lead C (Continued) 22 DECIDING TO COLLABORATE AND SELECTING OUR STEM PROJECT Partnerships for Adaptation, Implementation, and Dissemination (PAID) in Florida External Partner 7.

International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 4(1), 102–122. , & Roberson, L. (2011). Removing the barriers to full professor: A mentoring program for associate professors. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning 43(6), 38–45. COACh. (2013). Assisting in the success and impact of women scientists and engineers. University of Oregon. edu/coach/ Dean, D. J. (2009). Getting the most out of your mentoring relationships: A handbook for women in STEM. New York, NY: Springer. Fernandez, E. , & Gilmer, P.

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Alliances for Advancing Academic Women: Guidelines for Collaborating in STEM Fields by Penny J. Gilmer

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