By Marc Moonen and Francky Catthoor (Eds.)
ISBN-10: 0444821066
ISBN-13: 9780444821065
Content material:
, Pages v-vi
Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures
, Pages 1-9, F. Catthoor, M. Moonen
Subspace tools in process identity and resource Localization
, Pages 13-23, P.A. Regalia
Pipelining the Inverse Updates RLS Array by way of Algorithmic Engineering
, Pages 25-36, J.G. McWhirter, I.K. Proudler
Hierarchical sign movement Graph illustration of the Square-Root Covariance Kalman Filter
, Pages 37-48, D.W. Brown, F.M.F. Gaston
A Systolic set of rules for Block-Regularized RLS Identification
, Pages 49-60, J. Schier
Numerical research of a Normalized RLS clear out utilizing a likelihood Description of Propagated Data
, Pages 61-72, J. Kadlec
Adaptive Approximate Rotations for Computing the Symmetric EVD
, Pages 73-84, J. Götze, G.J. Hekstra
Parallel Implementation of the Double Bracket Matrix movement for Eigenvalue-Eigenvector Computation and Sorting
, Pages 85-96, N. Saxena, J.J. Clark
Parallel Block Iterative Solvers for Heterogeneous Computing Environments
, Pages 97-108, M. Arioli, A. Drummond, I.S. Duff, D. Ruiz
Efficient VLSI structure for Residue to Binary Converter
, Pages 109-115, G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, M. Re, M. Salerno
A Case research in Algorithm-Architecture Codesign: Accelerator for lengthy Integer Arithmetic
, Pages 119-130, C. Riem, J. König, L. Thiele
An Optimisation method for Mapping a ramification set of rules for imaginative and prescient right into a Modular and versatile Array Architecture
, Pages 131-141, J. Rosseel, F. Catthoor, T. Gijbels, P. Six, L. Van Gool, H. De Man
A Scalable layout for Dictionary Machines
, Pages 143-154, T. Duboux, A. Ferreira, M. Gastaldo
Systolic Implementation of Smith and Waterman set of rules on a SIMD Coprocessor
, Pages 155-166, D. Archambaud, I. Saraiva Silva, J. Penné
Architecture and Programming of Parallel Video sign Processors
, Pages 167-178, K.A. Vissers, G. Essink, P.H.J. Van Gerwen, P.J.M. Janssen, O. Popp, E. Riddersma, H.J.M. Veendrick
A hugely Parallel unmarried Chip Video sign Processor
, Pages 179-190, ok. Rönner, J. Kneip, P. Pirsch
A reminiscence effective, Programmable Multi-Processor structure for Real-Time movement Estimation style Algorithms
, Pages 191-202, E. De Greef, F. Catthoor, H. De Man
Instruction-Level Parallelism in Asynchronous Processor Architectures
, Pages 203-214, D.K. Arvind, V.E.F. Rebello
High pace wooden Inspection utilizing a Parallel VLSI Architecture
, Pages 215-226, M. corridor, A. ström
Convex Exemplar structures: Scalable Parallel Processing
, Pages 227-234, J. Van Kats
Modelling the 2-D FCT on a Multiprocessor System
, Pages 235-244, C.A. Christopoulos, A.N. Skodras, J. Cornelis
Parallel Grep
, Pages 245-256, J. Champeau, L. Le Pape, B. Pottier
Compiling for hugely Parallel Architectures: A Perspective
, Pages 259-270, P. Feautrier
DIV, flooring, CEIL, MOD and STEP services in Nested Loop courses and Linearly Bounded Lattices
, Pages 271-282, percent. Held, A.C.J. Kienhuis
Uniformisation concepts for Reducible vital Recurrence Equations
, Pages 283-294, L. Rapanotti, G.M. Megson
HOPP — A Higher-Order Parallel Programming Model
, Pages 295-306, R. Rangaswami
Design by means of Transformation of Synchronous Descriptions
, Pages 307-318, G. Durrieu, M. Lemaître
Heuristics for evaluate of Array Expressions on state-of-the-art hugely Parallel Machines
, Pages 319-330, V. Bouchitté, P. Boulet, A. Darte, Y. Robert
On components proscribing the iteration of effective Compiler-Parallelized Programs
, Pages 331-339, M.R. Werth, P. Feautrier
From Dependence research to communique Code iteration: The “Look Forwards” Model
, Pages 341-352, Ch. Reffay, G.-R. Perrin
Mapping advanced picture Processing Algorithms onto Heterogeneous Multiprocessors concerning structure based functionality Parameters
, Pages 353-364, M. Schwiegershausen, M. Schönfeld, P. Pirsch
Optimal verbal exchange for a Graph established DSP Chip Compiler
, Pages 365-376, H.-K. Kim
Resource-Constrained software program Pipelining for High-Level Synthesis of DSP Systems
, Pages 377-388, F. Sánchez, J. Cortadella
A transportable Testbed for comparing diverse methods to allotted common sense Simulation
, Pages 389-400, P. Luksch
A Simulator for Optical Parallel machine Architectures
, Pages 401-412, N. Langloh, H. Sahli, A. Damianakis, M. Mertens, J. Cornelis
Authors index
, Page 413
Read Online or Download Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures III. Proceedings of the International Workshop Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures III Leuven, Belgium, August 29–31, 1994 PDF
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Sample text
In the next section, the notation and defining equations for the square-root covariance Kalman filter are given, followed by a section illustrating hierarchical signal flow graphs. Section 4 develops the full hierarchical signal flow graph for the square-root covariance Kalman filter. Sections 5 and 6 illustrate the systolic architectures, [6] and [8], formed by considering different projections of this hierarchical signal flow graph. 2 SQUARE-ROOT COVARIANCE KALMAN FILTERING The general Kalman filtering algorithm can be numerically unstable in some applications and for this reason several square-root algorithms have been proposed.
Figure 3 shows the SFG for this rotation operator. J ~4 fop, l(n - 1) ~T [__p, 2( n - 1), ep- 1(n - 1)_'] ;4' C4 Figure 3. SFG for rotation operator Figure 4. HSFG after 1st algorithmic transformation. Rotation operator ~ is defined in figure 3. The small circular symbols will be explained later and should be ignored for the moment. The utility of the above observation is that the out-of-date matrix (RyT2(n - 2)) does not require knowledge of r 2(n) in order to be updated; in fact it is thematrix (~y,2(n- 1) that is required.
Despite this fact, these type of projections are valuable in determining the architecture and cell descriptions of the resulting systolic array. These cell operations depend, not only on the actual function of the HSFG but also, on the chosen projection, which explains why different systolic architectures can be generated from the same HSFG to produce the same overall mode of operation. 4 HSFG FOR THE SQUARE-ROOT COVARIANCE KALMAN FILTER A full HSFG for the square-root covarlance Kalman filter can be built up by considering the following steps: (i) Formation of the pre-array in equation 1.
Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures III. Proceedings of the International Workshop Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures III Leuven, Belgium, August 29–31, 1994 by Marc Moonen and Francky Catthoor (Eds.)
by Jason