By S. Kusuoka, A. Yamazaki
ISBN-10: 4431727337
ISBN-13: 9784431727330
Published yearly less than the auspices of the examine heart of Mathematical Economics in Tokyo, this sequence brings jointly mathematicians attracted to financial theories and economists looking potent mathematical instruments to assist their examine. Articles set forth unique effects and distinctive overviews of the issues less than dialogue, supplying readers a transparent figuring out of either fiscal and mathematical theories.
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The part of condition (11) which concerns the CES coefficients at the social level is introduced to ensure the possibiUty of local indeterminacy when the consumption good technology is Cobb-Douglas while the investment good technology is Leontief [see case (ii)]. This explains why such a condition does not occur under the assumption of symmetric elasticities. However, since the plausible values of 8 and g are close to zero, this condition does not imply a strong restriction on the CES coefficients.
2) where {r„} c (0, oo)andyr = (Z+rJ)"^ forallr > 0. This algorithm was first introduced by Martinet [5]. 1). Motivated by Rockafellar's result, Kamimura and Takahashi [6] proved the following two convergence theorems. 1 ([6]). Let H be a Hilbert space and letT c H x H be a maximal monotone operator. Let Jr — {I -\- rT)~^ for all r > 0 and let {xn} be a sequence defined as follows: x\ = x e H and Xn-\-\ = OinXn + (1 - an)^r„^Ai, « = 1, 2, . . , where {an\ C [0, 1] and {r^} C (0, oo) satisfy limsupa„ < 1 and liminf r^ > 0.
By the definition of dg, we have g{x) + 2{y,Jx-x*)
Advances in Mathematical Economics, Vol. 10 by S. Kusuoka, A. Yamazaki
by George