By Mario N. Armenise, Caterina Ciminelli, Francesco Dell'Olio, Vittorio M. N. Passaro
ISBN-10: 364215493X
ISBN-13: 9783642154935
ISBN-10: 3642154948
ISBN-13: 9783642154942
This monograph collects and seriously studies the most effects received by means of the clinical group in gyroscope applied sciences examine box. It describes architectures, layout recommendations and fabrication expertise of angular fee sensors proposed in literature. MEMS, MOEMS, optical and mechanical applied sciences are mentioned including achieveable functionality. The publication additionally consideres destiny study tendencies aimed to hide specified purposes. The booklet is meant for researchers and Ph.D. scholars drawn to modelling, layout and fabrication of gyros. The booklet could be a important schooling help in a few college classes fascinated with gyro technologies.
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Extra info for Advances in Gyroscope Technologies
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Advances in Gyroscope Technologies by Mario N. Armenise, Caterina Ciminelli, Francesco Dell'Olio, Vittorio M. N. Passaro
by Christopher