By Robert C. Bartlett
ISBN-10: 0791442519
ISBN-13: 9780791442517
This wide-ranging number of essays via ecu and American students provides one of the most attention-grabbing and critical paintings now being performed at the political philosophy of Aristotle. half One investigates what's arguably the main pressing and debatable query of shock to scholars of Aristotle at the present time, specifically, the potential for grounding ethical and political motion in a few model of Aristotelian rationalism. half considers a chain of particular questions coming up from the Politics and the Nicomachean Ethics, between that are Aristotle's figuring out of ethical advantage; the matter of evil; justice, and the very inspiration of "common good," friendship; the prestige of the philosophic lifestyles vis-a-vis the political; and the outlines of the very best political group.
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3 This critique is, in my opinion, quite effectively negated by Alasdair Macintyre. In the following passage, Macintyre addresses the widespread assumption that "ancient and medieval beliefs, including Aristotelian beliefs, in the objectivity of the moral order required as a foundation . . or were 'based upon' theories about human nature and the nature of the universe": This is an important, although a common misreading of the struc tures of ancient and medieval thought which projects back on to that thought an essentially modern view of the ordering of philo sophical and scientific enquiries.
These roving rats, alas! Are near us now en masse I hear their squeaks-straight on they press Their multitude is numberless. 13 They come out of the oikos and stream into the polis in order to fatten themselves in the light of the public realm. Their motif is hunger and their melody an abstract-universal "slave morality," which is enraptured by simple equality and by a justice, knowledge ofwhich requires no particular insight and ability, no rhetorically versed common sense, no virtue rooted in experience of life and no political prudence.
H. Arendt, "Ziviler Ungehorsam," in Zur Zeit (Miinchen, 1 989) , 1 44. 1 9. C£ H. Brunkhorst, Demokratie und Differenz: Vom klassischen zum modernen Begriffdes Politischen (Frankfurt, 1 994) , 1 43ff. 20. The word Willensbildung commonly refers to the process of political debate. I have translated the term literally in order to bring out the connection with the problem of the "general will. " Tr. 2 1 . I . Maus, "'Volk und 'Nation,'" 6 1 1 ; c£ H. Brunkhorst, Demokratie und Differenz, 1 86ff. 22.
Action and Contemplation: Studies in the Moral and Political Thought of Aristotle by Robert C. Bartlett
by Daniel