By Josef F. Bille, Ulrich von Pape (auth.), Professor Dr. Josef F. Bille, Carol F. H. Harner PhD, Dr. Frieder F. Loesel (eds.)
ISBN-10: 3642181619
ISBN-13: 9783642181610
ISBN-10: 3642621112
ISBN-13: 9783642621116
Refractive surgeons and clinicians are seeking a extra custom-made method of refractive surgical procedure. This finished file on sight correction via laser surgical procedure presents the practitioner with stable heritage info from most sensible researchers. rigorously illustrated, it information the most recent innovations and scientific leads to wavefront know-how for laser surgical procedure, that's now defining a brand new ordinary of perform. This moment variation has been considerably improved to incorporate in-depth descriptions of vital new advances in addition to glimpses of what the long run holds. The publication should be crucial to all wishing to increase their wisdom of custom-made refractive surgical procedure with an realizing of the underpinning technology.
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W(p. e) I Exit Pupil F ig. 4. Equivalent views of an eye's wave aberration. Left : ingoing wavefront focuses a perfect plane wave entering the first refractive surface of the eye. Right: outgoing wavefront of a point source at the retina exit pupil and forms a point image at th e retina when t he propagation wave vecto r of th e outg oing wavefront is reversed at th e corneal pupil. Therefore, t he wavefront , W (p, B), measured by ray tracing at t he corneal plane, and t he wavefront , W' (p, B), measur ed by wavefront sensing at t he cornea repr esent t he same wavefront shape t hat will compensate for t he eye's wave aberration and form a point image at t he retina.
Limited by a small phase delay ("-'1 pm) and not enough phase elements ("-'100) for phasewrap , the SLM devices could correct eyes with very little aberration. Using a high spatial resolution SLM ("-'480 x 480 pixel), Olivier demonstrated an effective correction of the eye's aberration with phase-wrap [62] . Cost-effective compensation devices such as MEMs mirrors [57,63-65], and bi-morpher mirrors [66] were also explored for the correction of ocular aberration. 13 Wavefront Technology for Laser Vision Correction In 1983, Trokel, Srinivasan, and Braren reported that far ultraviolet radiation from an excimer laser (193 nm) was capable of removing corneal tissue with submicron accuracy without compromising the remaining tissue [67], and in doing so ignited the laser vision correction revolution.
Fig. 1. 17. Compa rision of mirr ors [1 2] Fig. 1. 18. Hartmann t est of t he aberrations of th e human eye use of a lens array in t he image plane followed by a photographic plate or nowad ays a CCD camera in t he focal plan e of t he lens array. The confinement of t he individual light rays to focal spots on t he CCD chip allows for an increased signal to noise ratio and t hus increased speed of t he wavefront measurement . 5 mm . Recentl y a new typ e 1 Wavefront Technology and its Application to Ophthalmology 17 / I Fig.
Aberration-Free Refractive Surgery: New Frontiers in Vision by Josef F. Bille, Ulrich von Pape (auth.), Professor Dr. Josef F. Bille, Carol F. H. Harner PhD, Dr. Frieder F. Loesel (eds.)
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