By S. D'Agostino
ISBN-10: 1402002440
ISBN-13: 9781402002441
This e-book offers a viewpoint at the background of theoretical physics during the last countless numbers years. It includes essays at the heritage of pre-Maxwellian electrodynamics, of Maxwell's and Hertz's box theories, and of the current century's relativity and quantum physics. a standard thread around the essays is the hunt for and the exploration of issues that encouraged major con ceptual adjustments within the nice circulation of principles and experiments which heralded the emergence of theoretical physics (hereafter: TP). the joys. damental switch concerned the popularity of the scien tific validity of theoretical physics. within the moment 1/2 the nine teenth century, it used to be tough for lots of physicists to appreciate the character and scope of theoretical physics and of its adept, the theoreti cal physicist. A physicist like Ludwig Boltzmann, one of many eminent participants to the hot self-discipline, confessed in 1895 that, "even the formula of this idea [of a theoretical physicist] isn't really completely with no difficulty". 1 even supposing technological know-how had constantly been divided into idea and scan, it used to be in basic terms in physics that theoretical paintings constructed right into a significant learn and educating strong point in its personal correct. 2 it truly is precise that theoretical physics used to be as a rule a production of tum of-the century German physics, the place it bought complete institutional reputation, however it can be indisputable that striking physicists in different eu international locations, particularly, Ampere, Fourier, and Maxwell,
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Both the magnetometer and the bifilar magnetometer were constructed by Gauss with new criteria, which allowed a sensitivity and precision never achieved before in geodetic instruments and only comparable to the precision achieved in astronomic instrumentation. 12 Wilhelm Eduard Weber (1804-1891) was, for a major part of his life, a collaborator and a friend of Gauss at the University of Gottingen. The path to Weber's electrical researches lay through Gauss's magnetism at Gottingen. In fact, Gauss's and Weber's magnetic interests soon extended to the exploitation of the magnetic techniques in the new field opened by Faraday's recently discovered electromagnetic induction.
In 1935 Arnold Sommerfeld decided I2 in favour of the four-unit system: The orthodox number three, which is at the base of the so-called absolute system THEORIES OF UNITS AND DIMENSIONS 43 of measurement, could be considered as mandatory as long as one hoped to derive electricity from mechanics. This time is now over. One exerts violence against electromagnetic quantities if one forces them, in the Procuste's bed of the three units; it can be shown that they are at ease in the four-unit system.
Nous avons introduit cette consideration dans la Theorie de la chaleur pour rendre nos definitions plus fixes et servir it verifier Ie calcul; elle derive des notions primordiales sur les quantites: c' est pour ceUe raison que, dans la Geometrie et dans la Mecanique, elle equivaut aux lemmes fondamentaux que les Grecs nous ont laisses sans demonstration ... Dans la theorie analytique de la chaleur, toute equation (E) exprime une 39 S. D’Agostino, A History of the Ideas of Theoretical Physics © Kluwer Academic Publishers 2000 40 CHAPTER 2 relation necessaire entre des grandeurs subsistantes x, t, v, c, h, k.
A History of the Ideas of Theoretical Physics: Essays on the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Physics by S. D'Agostino
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