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Extra info for 3rd Grade Daily Language Practice-Common Core!

Example text

It is the The planet Venus is covered with rocks. They ____________ bottle. are _________________ rocks. Illinois is having a parade. It is ___________ Jonathan bought a shiny new car. It is parade. _______________ shiny new car. Use the possessive family’s in a sentence. Use the possessive frogs’ in a sentence. 2d I can form and use possessives. Pa r t I Fill in t h e bla n k s w it h t h e cor r e ct posse ssive s: The rose belongs t o Francis. I t is ______________________ rose. The t eam s wear j erseys.

______ I went outside and played tennis. ______ I still feel like a winner. ______ After dinner. Form two diferent complex sentences using this independent and dependent clause. Form two diferent complex sentences using this independent and dependent clause. 1. ___________________________________ 1. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 2. ___________________________________ 2. 1i I can write complex sentences. 1i I can write complex sentences.

5a I can explain the meanings of literal and nonliteral words and phrases in context. It’s raining cats and dogs outside! If you took this nonliteral statement literally, what would it mean? __________________ ____________________________________ You are really on the ball today! If you took this nonliteral statement literally, what would it mean? __________________ ____________________________________ Explain what is meant by this statement. ____________________________________ Explain what is meant by this statement.

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3rd Grade Daily Language Practice-Common Core! by Splash Publications

by Joseph

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